Payment Updates
March 2022: Settlement is complete.
As of March 11th, 2022, all payments have been issued; and the settlement claims process is now closed.
Thank you to all claimants who responded and accepted their payments!
If you have any issues using or activating the payment you received, please call 833-249-7650 for Cardholder Services.
For additional help and information, please visit
January 2022: The pro-rata distribution is complete!
If you have any issues activating or using your virtual MasterCard, we’re here to help:
Call 833-249-7650 for Cardholder Services.
For all other inquiries, contact customer service at
A final report on distribution will be provided to the Court on April 7th, 2022.
January 2022: The pro-rata distribution is actively being sent.
Between January 1st and January 5th, 2022 any claimant who accepted their initial payment will receive a new email containing $18.90 on a digital Virtual Mastercard.
Please keep an eye out for the new email from the sender and check your spam or junk folders.
For more information, please visit
December 2021: Payments have expired.
All payments have expired as of December 6th, 2021. Please note that we will not do an automatic payment method selection for claimants who have not already accepted their payment. Instead, the Court has ordered the remaining settlement funds be distributed on a pro-rata basis to those who have responded to the payment notifications.
The pro-rata distribution will be distributed digitally between January 1st and January 5th,2022.
Starting on January 1st ,2022 any claimant who accepted their initial payment will receive a new email containing their additional payment on a digital Virtual Mastercard. The pro-rata amount is still being calculated and will be updated soon.
For more information on expired payments and the pro-rata distribution, please visit
November 2021: Payments extended until December 6th, 2021
All expired payments will be reactivated on November 15th. You will receive an email notification with your payment available for you to accept until December 6th, 2021. If you have not accepted your payment yet, please see your payment notification email.
You will have until December 6th to accept or respond to your payment notifications. Please note that after December 6th, we will not do an automatic payment method selection for claimants who have not already accepted their payment. Instead, the Court has ordered the remaining settlement funds be distributed on a pro-rata basis to those who have responded to the payment notifications.
We want you to receive your funds, so please claim your payment now!
The deadline for email change requests has passed.
For those who have already submitted a change request you will receive a payment email on November 15th.
For more information on expired payments, please visit
September 2021: Payments Actively Being Sent
Payouts are actively being sent out, so please check your email inbox. Payments are being sent in daily batches from September 20th through October 14th 2021, so we appreciate your patience.
Please visit our FAQ section at if you encounter any issues when accepting your payment.
August 2021: Initial Payment Notice
Keep an eye on your email as initial (“pre-payment”) notices have started going out. This initial notice confirms the payment you will soon receive and includes a link to frequently asked questions. Live payments will be distributed starting September 20th, 2021.
July 20, 2021: Approval to Make Payments
Today the Court approved the schedule for payments! From August 27 to September 14, 2001, claimants will receive an initial notice regarding payments, including a link to frequently asked questions. Payments will then be distributed to claimants from September 20 to October 14, 2021.
July 2021: Payment Amount Update
The updated Fresh Milk Products Price-fixing Class Action payout amounts have been finalized. We received more claims than anticipated, which lowered the originally expected payout amounts on the fixed settlement fund. Individuals will receive $7.51, and entities will be receiving $210.28. We should have a schedule for payments approved by the Court soon, so please come back for updates on timing. Thank you!
April 2021: Approval to Prepare for Payment
The 9th Circuit has just upheld the Edwards v. National Milk Producers Settlement, which means preparation for claimant payments can finally begin! There are some administrative details to finalize before the date of payments can be confirmed, and we still need to wait 90 days for the appeal to become final under the U.S. Supreme Court Rules, so please check back in the near future for updates. But we are happy to get by this stage of a meritless appeal, which has needlessly delayed the distribution to the Settlement Class. You can read the 9th Circuit’s Memorandum Opinion in the “Documents” section of the website. Again, thank you for your patience!
May 2020
We are STILL battling the last objector appeal in the $52M Fresh Milk Products Antitrust settlement. As of May 2020, the appeal has been fully briefed before the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and we are waiting for the Court to set a date for oral argument and then issue a decision on the appeal. According to the Court’s website, the Court has no time limit, but most cases are decided within 3 months to a year from the date of the oral argument. Unfortunately, this process can take time when objectors are involved. We are working hard to resolve this appeal so payouts to the class can begin.
We will post updates as soon as we have new information from the Court. We appreciate your patience!
April 2018
The Fresh Milk Products Price-fixing Class Action payout amounts have been finalized. We received more claims than anticipated, which lowered the expected payout amounts on a fixed settlement fund. Individuals will receive $6.79, and entities will be receiving $190.13.
The appeals deadline has now passed, but unfortunately, there were 3 appeals submitted by objectors to the settlement, which means payments cannot start until those appeals are resolved. It is now in the hands of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Regrettably, the wheels of justice don’t always move at the pace we want, and objectors to a settlement can hold up payments for all class members. We are working hard to resolve the appeals so we can get payments in the hands of all claimants. We do apologize for the delays and truly appreciate your patience with this process.
We are STILL battling the last objector appeal of the three in the $52M Fresh Milk Products Antitrust settlement. Unfortunately, this process can take anywhere from 9 – 12 months when objectors are involved. We are working hard to resolve this appeal so payouts to the class can begin. We will keep you informed of new updates as we know them! For more information about the case or the payout process, please review our FAQs.
This is the official website for the Fresh Milk Price-fixing Class Action Lawsuit. On this website you will find details regarding the litigation settlement and your options. A federal court has approved the notices and forms on this site. The administrator who manages this site operates under the supervision of class counsel.
To participate in the settlement, you must have submitted a Claim Form online by January 31, 2017. Mail-in claims must have been postmarked by January 31, 2017. Additional details regarding this lawsuit may be found in the sections that follow.
Important Dates

Claim Period Begins

Exclusion & Objection Deadline

Final Approval Hearing

Claim Period Ends

Initial Payment Notice

Digital Payments Start

Physical Checks Mailed